Welcome to Rice Lake Rotary!

The Rice Lake Rotary Club is a group of dedicated professionals focused on improving our community and world through our actions. We follow the Rotary International motto “Service Above Self” which has directed our fundraising and volunteering efforts to help those in our local community and worldwide that are in need.  We encourage friendships and business networking by working on service projects, enjoying weekly lunch gatherings, promoting Rotary and socializing together. We encourage you to come and check us out and find out how you can make an impact today!

The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders..

Where Can You Find Us?
We meet weekly at NOON every Thursday at Lehman’s Supper Club on Main Street in Rice Lake. Each meeting we enjoy lunch and socializing as well as an informal program organized by club members for the purpose of education and community building. 

What is Rotary?
Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves..

Meetings are every Thursday at NOON at Lehman’s Supper Club on Main Street in Rice Lake, Wisconsin